Get to Know Jason

Get to know Jason who started working to help foster kids transition into adulthood to now working as a backend developer here at Bixly. He’s been a huge addition to our team, and is our current reigning champion of Ticket to Ride!
Full Transcript Below:
Full Transcript Below:
At first tech wasn’t really on my radar. I actually started in the foster care industry. At an early age, I’ve always enjoyed computers. I was even in robotics. What actually got me into tech, it’s a little geeky.
We love geeks. That’s why we hired pretty much all of you.
Searching up coding and things like that. I was like, what is this? I want more of this.
How’s it going Jason?
Pretty good. I’m glad to be here. Thank you for having me.
Excited to be in the studio?
Yeah. It’s my first time. It’s actually really nice to be here.
Good. Well, we’re just here to obviously get to know you. Let’s start off with background. How did you get into tech? What’s your tech background?
Actually at first tech wasn’t really on my radar. I actually started in the foster care industry. There I was a case manager for former foster care youth, ages 18 to 21. I did a lot of skills, teaching, how to get a resume going, how to apply for a job, how to do all sorts of things that you typically learn as you’re transitioning to an adult.
Tech wasn’t really on my radar. But I’ve always been very fascinated in tech. At an early age of I’ve always like enjoyed computers. I was even in robotics. But it wasn’t really until I guess college that I was just like, you know what? I want to learn something new. But I never really took the time to pursue it. What actually got me into tech, it’s a little geeky.
We love geeky. It’s why we hired pretty much all of you.
It was actually through a game called Minecraft. In it there is a feature called Redstone. With that you can make a bunch of gates. Basic like OR gates, NOR gate, logic comparisons. Even forms of recursion. A friend of mine online said, hey, if you like that, you should really do what I do. At that time he was a software developer for Microsoft.
I didn’t really take too much stock in the advice from an online stranger. I didn’t really pursue it until I was really looking up how to build my own website. Through that I fell into the YouTube algorithm. Searching up coding and things like that. I was like, what is this? I want more of this.
I quit my job. I went back to college. Went in and out of the field for a bit until finally I was just like, you know what? Let’s join a bootcamp. Sure enough, that eventually brought me here.
Cool. That’s so awesome. How did you find out about us? You’re obviously in and out. Getting the feel for it. I like this. I’m not sure. I’m going to do it. Bootcamp. Then now how do you go from bootcamp to getting connected with Bixly?
It’s ironic because I got connected with Bixly by actually seeing these exact videos. I actually, truth be told, I binged watched almost all of them. I really liked the environment. I liked the closeness. I loved how everybody was just comfortable with the team. I put in an application and that led me here. Now I’m in this very seat that I was watching.
It’s like a Cinderella story.
It’s like a Cinderella story. Yes. Without the shoes.
Without the shoes. That’s good because none of us are wearing shoes right now.
Right now we’re all barefoot.
You saw us, the pretty polished version of Bixly on video.
You’re here now.
I am.
You’re in the trenches with us. What is it like now? How do you like Bixly? What do you enjoy about us now that you’re here and you’re working day to day? How’s it changed?
How has it changed? It’s just what I imagined. Honestly, everybody’s really close. I love that I can reach out and feel free to reach out for assistance whenever I needed it. Any kind of assistance. In my previous roles I felt like a cog in the machine. That I was pretty isolated, pretty alone. Didn’t have a lot of connections in my workplace. But here it’s completely different. Here I can reach out. I can talk to co-workers. I could get help whenever I need it. It’s just a fantastic environment. It really is.
Cool. Well, that’s awesome. I’m glad to hear that. I’ve heard this sentiment happening as I talk with other people. I’m like, good, I need to keep this going.
Keep it going.
You’re still learning every day. You’re continuing to grow into the bootcamp working with Bixly. What is new and exciting in tech right now? What’s something new that has come across your plate that you’re like, man, I want to do more of that?
Or has led you to even something new?
This is my favorite part. What really gets me excited is in general just efficiency. But AI and automation. I’m very interested in AI and automation. In fact, there’s this running gag in my social group that I’m the one who’s always trying to make things more efficient. To them it’s like, why do you got to make it a numbers scam? But I love that. I love seeing things grow in a way that makes it efficient. For lack of a better word.
Is that just so you feel like you can execute that many more things?
Okay, got it.
More productivity. I like seeing things grow.
That’s good.
That’s good. If you’re not here playing Ticket to Ride and being the ruling champion or Dominion or something else or obviously writing code and then working, what do you do on your off time? What are you passionate about? Hobbies, other things that maybe are not tech related or could be. That’s fine.
I’m a really big gamer. I’ve always been a really big gamer. I love, I guess going to conventions actually. Both gaming and non gaming comic con. I’ve always wanted to go. I haven’t been yet. I’ve been to some local ones.
I love anime. I go to the anime conventions. I’ve been to every single major one all across California. I’m really passionate about that. Other than that on my off time, I’ll spend it coding. Building up new things. I love that I can think of a topic and if I can imagine it, I can create it.
That’s awesome.
It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to go into work and say, I’m having fun and it not feel like work. Then go home and do the exact same thing. It feels the same. I’m incredibly grateful that I can say that. I really love what I do.
Thank you for joining us for this episode of Bixly Meet the Team. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Jason a little bit better. Because we definitely enjoy having him on our team. If you have any questions about what you heard about today, whether that be how to have a career in tech or even applying for Bixly or really anything else that they talked about, go ahead and leave those in the comment section down below.
Don’t forget to check out the description box down below. We have a lot of really helpful links for you guys. Including a link to our custom software guide that is completely free. Also, if you feel like you’re ready to start talking about maybe building something with us and you want to see if Bixly’s the right fit, check out our website,
There’s a button right at the top that says get my project roadmap. That will allow you to have a 60 minute conversation with Cris for free. Where we start talking all about your app idea. Give you our suggestions and insight and maybe even a few estimates on what it would look like to get this off the ground. Thank you so much for joining us for this episode of Bixly Meet the Team.
Originally published at on October 26, 2021.